
Victoria (3.0) [DynBones]

63 ratings

Victoria (3.0) [DynBones]

63 ratings

TDA and game-ripped asset free.

NOTE: You are NOT allowed to use WetCat's head, Pandaabear's body, or any other paid asset for your own projects unless you have purchased the assets from them. Do not buy this avatar for assets.

NOTE 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: VRCSDK3, Dynamic Bones, Poiyomi's Toon/Pro Shader, and Dynamic Penetration System by Raliv are not included.  Please import things in this order: VRCSDK > DynamicBones > Dynamic Penetration System (optional) > Avatar Package.



-Poiyomi Toon shader (Poiyomi Pro for best experience with DPS system)

-Raliv's Dynamic Penetration shader: https://raliv.gumroad.com/#lwthuB
-Dynamic Bones 1.2.2

-Basic knowledge of unity


-Dynamic bones and colliders in all the right places

-Multiple toggles (Top, Skirt, Heels, Glasses, Sunglasses, Bra, Panties, Pasties, Nylon tights, Garters, Horns, Tail, Bracelet, Necklace)

-Toggle to swap between transparent lace and solid black on bra

-Custom expressions

-Two hairstyles (Ponytail and bun)

-Radial slider for overall thiccness (boobs, butt, thighs, waist)

-Seperate hue shift sliders on horns/tail/top decal, hair emission, and eyes

-Forearm colliders for booba-mooshing action :D

-Set up for Dynamic Penetration System with 4 orifices and 1 penetrator (futa) (NOTE: DPS is not included, you must first purchase it from Raliv: https://gumroad.com/raliv )

-FBT Tested


-Body: https://pandaabear.gumroad.com/l/pAxQR

-Body Texture Edit: https://smoluni.gumroad.com/l/bodybase

-Nylons Texture: https://thewaifsavatars.gumroad.com/l/jAJft
-Head: https://wetcat.gumroad.com/l/DmGTo

-Hair: https://luuyavatars.gumroad.com/l/goxBG (Ponytail)
          https://darcyvr.gumroad.com/l/rQVWd (Bun)

-Top/Skirt: https://moonlightvr.gumroad.com/l/QSIjq
-Lingerie: https://sezzy.gumroad.com/l/LingerieSet
-Heels: https://deim0s.gumroad.com/l/BasicH_Deimos
-Glasses: https://velvie.gumroad.com/l/kgeqr

-Jewelry: https://ninikim.gumroad.com/l/crossurfinger

-Gloves: https://ninikim.gumroad.com/l/spikeglv

-Horns: https://fillmypantry.gumroad.com/l/eNVyT
-Tail: https://dogu.gumroad.com/l/kUtIg

-Wiener: urgarulga

-Locomotion Layer: https://wetcat.gumroad.com/l/locomotionVRC

This product is not currently for sale.

Unity Package w/ Scene file, FBX, and two prefabs (DPS and non-DPS)

150 MB
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